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Oui Oui it Up
Shake it up oui oui it up
Season 4, Episode 21
Vital statistics
Air date 4 August, 2013
Written by Unknown
Directed by Unknown
Episode guide
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Future it Up My Bitter Sweet 16 it Up


CeCe plans a trip to France but ends up renting a house on the french countryside 500 miles away and tries t convince Rocky, Flynn and her mom to find a way to go to Paris but they all seem distracted with other things on the farm. Meanwhile, Ty spends time out on a date with Bridgette whom is the daughter of the family who swapped houses with Cece.

Main Cast[]

  • Bella Thorne as CeCe Jones
  • Zendaya as Rocky Blue
  • Caroline Sunshine as Tinka Hessenheffer
  • Roshon Fegan as Ty Blue
  • Davis Cleveland as Flynn Jones
  • Adam Irigoyen as Deuce Martinez

Guest Stars[]

  • Unknown as Bridgette
  • Andy McDermont as Etienne


  • CeCe plans a trip to France.
  • This is going to be the 4th episode in which they took a trip outside of Chicago.
  • Tinka looked Jealous of Bridgette when Ty and Bridgette were dating.
  • Ty admitted to Tinka that Bridgette was annoying with the "in France" business.
  • Tinka was happy when Bridgette wrote a letter to break up with Ty.



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